What does inclusion really look like?

Beach To Beyond Respite - What Does Inclusion Mean
It’s difficult to really understand inclusion if it’s not not kept at the core of what you do. For Joey, our dog Jada and I travelling is a way of life, we are not bound to one spot. an office, a region and staff that have commitments and responsibilities elsewhere and find it difficult to give access to “geographical disadvantaged people”.

I first learnt this term in my early years of disability work as the organisation I was working for was supporting deaf and hard of hearing people across Australia, this was mostly in metropolitan areas, as the staffing resources weren’t available for rural communities. I always remember promoting activities, camps, respite, retreats to the country to bring a close-knit community even closer together and to share their stories and life experiences. Beach to Beyond is based on the Gold Coast, and working in all other major cities, however we are regularly on the travel to rural and remote areas to give support where it can often mean the most.

Every individual with a disability and their families thrives on inclusion when we go the extra mile – quite literally. We have the desire and means to travel. Finding people in remote areas and becoming part of their family over a few days or week becomes a bond. It’s sad to read stories of families that have moved from their beloved country, rural area into a city, suburban residence so they can access more services. We would love to see more services, support workers and the NDIS open up more opportunities for “geographical disadvantaged people”.

This is what spurred us on more to become Beach to Beyond Respite, our love for all things travel, sharing stories, making new friends, making new memories and sharing that with people. Our love for disability work that was always about inclusion and we love joining our two passions to bring the best to you.

Jeff, Joey and Jada

Beach to Beyond Respite.

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